Welcome to our Website

I am delighted to welcome you to the website of the Parish of St Thomas & St Edmund of Canterbury or, as it is more affectionately known, The Abbey. 

We are based in the bustling suberb of Erdington in the Northern part of the wonderful City of Birmingham. 

It is thrilling to share our faith with the Erdington Abbey Parish Community. 

Here, so many cultures and nationalities are represented, reflecting the coming together of God's people in His Kingdom. This has not only enriched this great parish but has brought joy and fun. 

In addition to the army of men and women who undertake whatever is necessary for the good of the parish, the Abbey is a true Community of prayer and to this end you are welcome to join us at Mass, Holy Hour, Novena and Adoration.

I look forward to seeing you at The Erdington Abbey soon.

Yours in Christ,

Fr Kieran Brady C.Ss.R - Parish Priest

The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the National and Archdioceses policies & procedures at all times. Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives are Gracy Raj Email sg.stthomas-stedmund.bham@rcaob.org  & Liz Shipman, Email sg.stpeter-stpaul.bham@rcaob.org.uk   Diocesan Safeguarding team are on 0121 230 6240 safeguarding@rcaob.org.uk if you have any concerns.


Live Streaming of Mass at the Abbey


2nd Sunday of Advent

Please do take the time to download this weeks bulletin where you will find out what is happening in the parish and wider diocese.

We Pray For...

Dee Dunston, Easton Hurd, Theresa Floyd, Maxine Desmond, Teresa Monteiro, Kath Buckley, Ethine O'Hara, Claire McGrath, Ann Farrell & Teresa Willson who are sick and please pray for Andrew Gallagher, Kathleen Boyle, Margaret Miley & Katie Donovan who died recently.

Click below for the most up-to-date news for our Youth of the Parish [or for anyone else for that matter!!!]

Christmas Fayre 2024

Click the poster above for details of our sponsors

Care for Creation

Responding to the Call of Creation

New Lectionary Guidance

Click the image below for more details

Red Wednesday

Red Wednesday was on 22nd November and is the day when we were asked to remember and pray for persecuted Christians all over the world. 

Sign the petition asking the government's overseas aid office to take notice of our modern day martyrs. 


Places of Worship Grants Scheme 

We are asking you to support the Catholic Church in England and Wales by supporting their campaign to petition the Government not to change the Listed Places of Worship Grants Scheme (LPWGS), which is up for renewal in March 2025.

If the scheme is not renewed, the Archdiocese will not be able to reclaim VAT on works to listed Church buildings, which will have a huge negative financial impact. Within the Archdiocese's geographical area, over 90 Churches benefit from this scheme.  

Entering your details here (https://www.cbcew.org.uk/listed-places-of-worship-grant-scheme/) takes less than a minute, and the website will generate a letter and send it to your MP on your behalf.

Pilgrimage - Walking in the Footsteps of St Alphonsus Liguori & St Gerard Majella.

A wonderful pilgrimage to the South of Italy, travelling around our founding spots on the Amalfi Coast! Get to know St Alphonsus Liguori, A Doctor of the Church and St Gerard Majella the Patron Saint of Expectant Mothers and Babies. The scenery too is something else! 

Click the image below for more details

Need help to come to mass?

The SVP would like to help collect parishioners who are unable to get to Mass on their own on Sunday by arranging to pick them up from their home using the facility of the minibus to bring them to the 10.30 Mass each Sunday. If you think you would benefit from this service please contact Ronnie Sweeney (SVP member) on 07958939449.

Digital Collection Plate

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