Our Schools
We are blessed to be able to serve two wonderful schools; The Abbey Catholic Primary School and St Edmund Campion Catholic Secondary School. Both schools are part of the St John Paul II Academy and are very successful in their own right. We know that, if you choose for your child to attend either of these schools, their spiritual life will be nourished to the full.
As you can imagine we have very close links with both schools and often celebrate parish life together. Your child can expect to receive a full Catholic education if they attend either of these schools.
Please click on the school badges of each school to be taken to their websites where they will have all of the information you may require.
The Abbey Catholic Primary School
St Edmund Campion Catholic Secondary
Click HERE to read the full report from OfSTED about the Abbey Catholic Primary School.
Our school was last inspected by Ofsted in January 2024, this ungraded inspection confirmed that our school remained Good, whilst recognising that the school may have been graded as Outstanding had it been a graded inspection.
Here are some comments from the Inspection Report:
- Pupils thrive at this happy school. Frequently referred to as the 'Abbey family'.
- Teachers use 'big questions' to challenge pupils to reflect more deeply on their learning and to work like a historian or to problem-solve like a mathematician.
- Pupils learn how to care for their physical and mental health. The school provides strong emotional and well-being support for staff, pupils and families.
- The school engages well with parents, who are extremely positive about the education, nurture and wider support pupils receive.
- Pupils develop their talents and interests through participating in a wide range of clubs and activities. They are eager to take on positions of responsibility such as play leaders, mental health ambassadors and school councillors.
- Pupils behave well. They are polite and respectful. In lessons, pupils listen well and focus on the work given to them. They enjoy the excellent range of activities on offer to keep them active during lunchtimes and they play well together.
- The school monitors pupils' attendance carefully. It has robust systems in place to make sure it responds quickly to any absences. As a result, pupils' attendance at school is high.